Shopping Cart Application using PHP and MySQL includes JSON, POST methods and RESTful API

Utsav Verma / / 0

About the project :
This is Shopping Cart Application using PHP and MySQL includes JSON, POST methods and RESTful API. Also used POST method and RESTful APIs. This whole project has only one concept, that is to provide the wide range of products to their customers. You can select any type of product you want to buy. Here, when you run the project you can see the welcome screen (animation) of this project.
In order to run the project, first, install Android Studio and XAMPP server to make your laptop/computer as your local server. Here, in this project, you can select different types of products like clothes, car, mobiles, music and much more items. Then from those options, you can select any type of product you want to buy.
Features of the project:
  • E-Commerce app using .
  • Use of Animation on starting.
  • Added Option Menu.
  • Added Context Menu.
  • Shared Preference for Registration and Login (If you are already a user then you won't have to login again and again whenever activity start).
  • Logout Function from App.
  • Custom Drawer.
  • Custom ListView.
  • Add to card option.
  • Add and Decrease quantity to buy products.
  • Cart view from any activity.
Steps and Requirements :
1) Install Android Studio and XAMPP server.
2) Download php file here
  1. After installing you'll have a xampp folder in C: drive if you installed it there.
  2. In xampp there will be a htdocs folder
  3. Extract the zip file and place the php code in htdocs folder.
3) Run XAMPP.

4) Open http://localhost/phpmyadmin/ in your browser. 

5) Create the database by the name of Shopee.

6) Create tables in PhpMyAdmin.
    This is how its look like.

7) For registration create user_info name table with 4 columns( name, email, pass, confirmpass) .

8) Now create categories table with 2 columns(catname and catsubname).
9) Now create the remaining table mentioned in point 6 with 3 columns (name, price description).
example: Datebase name mobile.
10) Take a deep look and do not change the keywords as shown in image. 

11) Your server setup is ready now download the source code (Rename zip file to Shopee) and run on Android Studio (May be you need to update plugins).

12) Give internet permissions in AndroidManifest.xml


NOTE- Extract the zip file and place the php code in htdocs folder on your C: drive

Utsav Verma

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I work as an Analyst in HCL Technologies. Android App Development is my hobby. As a passionate technology lover, you need to keep yourself updated with trending technologies. The best way to learn and stay up to date is simply to do something creative. I’ve a number of small personal app projects and each one have been rewarding and useful in one way or the other.