This is not a complete project for anybody working on a related topics but rather it is for learning purpose. By going through the source code you can learn how to implement a feature(s) you might need in your project.
This project will give you an insight on how to create android food ordering application using SQLite and you can use the source code as a foundation to achieve your project requirement.
The application comes with different features. You can easily customize it the way you want.
This project comes with source code, Database and apk.
Steps to Run this application.
1) Download the source code and install the apk.
2) Download the Users SQLite file from below.
3) Open the DEVICE FILE EXPLORE in Android Studio.
4) Paste the Users database file in DEVICE FILE EXPLORE (If it is already exists the delete it and Paste the new one).
Data >> data >> com.example.fooddelivery >> databases
5) Right click on Users file and synchronise it.