School App for Faculty | CRUD operation using SQLite in Android

Utsav Verma / / 0

Hello friends, Here is Android SQLite Application, in this post we will learn the basic CRUD operation in MySQL database from Android Application. 

In this post, we will cover the following contents:
1. Source Code Output
2. Create DatabaseHandler (SQLite file).
3. Create a record in Android.
4. Read records from Android.
5. Update a record in Android.
6. Delete a record in Android.
7. Download Source Code
8. Download APK.

Utsav Verma

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I work as an Analyst in HCL Technologies. Android App Development is my hobby. As a passionate technology lover, you need to keep yourself updated with trending technologies. The best way to learn and stay up to date is simply to do something creative. I’ve a number of small personal app projects and each one have been rewarding and useful in one way or the other.